Based in California, is a blog by Charles Jekal. His posts explore technology, anime and games.

Quick Introduction

Lover of various software technologies, anime, games.


Stay awhile and listen!
— Deckard Cain, Diablo

Welcome, everyone! I wanted to start a blog as a way to dump my thoughts on software technologies, anime and games. I hope y’all find the blog informative, entertaining and life-changing (or at the very least, entertaining).

As for software technologies, I’ll probably be focusing mostly on big data/artificial intelligence. I’m not philosophical enough to discuss the ramifications of AI, so I imagine it’ll read more like a how-to manual for all the practitioners out there.

As for anime, I’m a pretty big weeb and spend a fair amount of time on Crunchyroll. My reviews will probably be shallow and uninspiring, so be prepare to be underwhelmed.

Same goes for games, I like big titles and laugh at independent developers (probably b/c I’m closet jealous).

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!

Rapid Elasticsearch Prototyping with Vue.js